I thought that before I got going on this mission, I'd post my current top five IPA's:
- Bell's - Hopslam
- Three Floyds - Dreadnaught
- Three Floyds - Apocalypse Cow
- Oskar Blues - Gordon
- Victory Brewing - Hop Wallop
After compiling this list, it led me to feel that I didn't really like being limited to a "Sweet 16" list on Our Preferences. What about numbers 17, 18 and 19? What about the fact that I like my favorite stout for entirely different reasons than I like my favorite IPA? How do I even compare KBS to Hopslam to Rochfort 8? In light of this, I abandoned the "Sweet 16" and made a categoric list. I don't intend to have a 100 beers on my favorites list... but then again, why not? If we get to that point, we could always create a preferences / profile page for each of us.
But now back to the mission. With today being a great football day, I'll begin my journey into Mission Number Three by trying at least two "new" IPA's. I can't wait!
Eis Igian,